Learn from impact entrepreneurs from the UK, Lebanon, and Africa sharing experiences and strategies for overcoming global challenges. Gain insights and guidance from experienced impact investors with a deep understanding of this evolving landscape.
Impact Hustlers Series
Creating Purpose-Driven Organisations
Hosted by Maiko Schaffrath, Impact Hustlers Podcast invites entrepreneurs and changemakers solving social and environmental problems and creating impact through their purpose-driven organisations. Learn the role of entrepreneurship in achieving SDGs in these podcast episodes.
Impact Leaders Series
Impact Investment And Performance With Purpose
Impact Leaders is a podcast featuring leaders focusing on impact investment and performance with purpose, supporting the companies that are solving the world’s biggest challenges.
Hosted by JP Dallmann, it shares their stories, messages and advice to increase awareness about impact leadership, investment and performance with purpose.
Listen on Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, or Spotify.
Fast Forward Lebanon Podcast Series
Advancing SDGs in Lebanon
Lebanon faces the most difficult challenges in addressing governance, financial viability, social justice, basic human rights and environmental degradation. Joanna Jurdi, the board member of Fast Forward 2030 Lebanon and founder of LucidAg, talks with entrepreneurs and experts about how their work contributes to sustainable development goals and discusses the best ways to go forth to better the future of Lebanon.